Web Form Processing

MailList King can parse all the fields in a submission message from a web form and input the details into your database.

For advice on setting up web forms on your site visit:

MailList King Web Form FAQ


If you enable web form processing then when checking for new messages (Home > Check Now), MailList King will search for messages submitted from your web site and process them.

To use this function:


Special Notes

Action Field Expects to find one of the permitted web form actions, or be blank.  If blank, the entry will be subscribed.  You can also specify the text "None" if no action should be performed
E-mail Field This field is required.  
Note: MLK also accepts a valid Member ID in place of an e-mail address.
If you specify
%USE_MESSAGE_SENDER% the sending address of the web form will be used
Group Multiple groups can be subscribed to by separating them with a comma (e.g. List_1,List_2).  If the entry is blank your default group will be used.
Full Name Field If this field is not specified then it will be built from First and Last Name
First Name Field Will be extracted from the full name, if you have set the relevant option
Last Name Field Will be extracted from the full name, if you have set the relevant option
Other Fields Can be blank

Also add any custom fields in the message

If your web forms contain custom fields then you can use this option to advise MailList King to process any custom fields in the message and add them to the user record.  You will need to specify the character that separates the field name and its value, e.g. if you have a message line that reads:

Web Site: www.xequte.com

Then the separation character would be a colon

Note: MailList King will only process custom fields that have been specified for the database.  To add new custom fields click the "Edit Custom Fields" link


Permitted Actions

The following items can be specified in the Action field:

Subscribe Adds the user and all their details to the mailing list.  If the user already exist any changed fields in the web form will replace those in the database
Unsubscribe Removes the member of the specified email address from your mailing list
UpdateEmail This is the same as Modify command used to update an e-mail address in the mailing list.  The old email address need to be specified in the "E-mail" field.  The new email address must be a field named the same as "E-mail" field but with the prefix, "New" (e.g. Email: old@xequte.com and NewEmail: new@xequte.com) (all other fields are ignored).
UpdateUserDetails Allows you to offer a web form where users can update their address details.  MLK will locate the member of the specified e-mail address (or Member ID) and update the address, custom and other fields with those in the web form message.
If the address does not exist in the mailing list the user is subscribed.
If your web form contains a field of the same name as the "E-mail" field but with the prefix, "New" (e.g. NewEmail: new_email@xequte.com) then the user's email address will be updated too.
UpdateUserGroups Allows you to offer a web form where users can select which groups they belong to.  MLK will process the form and set the membership to the group(s) specified (comma separate multiple groups).
If the address does not exist in the mailing list the user is subscribed.
NOTE: If the group field is blank the member will be removed from all groups (i.e. unsubscribed from the mailing list)

A combined version of UpdateUserDetails and UpdateUserGroups so you can use a web form for a user to change their address, group membership and other details


Sends the members subscription information (optionally for only a specified).  Same as the SubscribeInfo command


Sends information on the specified group (or all groups).  Same as the GroupInfo command.


Enables the member's vacation mode, i.e. they will be excluded from any messages you send. You can optionally specify an expiry period for the vacation (in days) by using the "Full Name" field


Disables the member's vacation mode, i.e. the member will be included in messages you send


Enable, disable or set an expiry date for the member's vacation mode by specifying the new status in the "Full Name" field (either "Enable" or "Disable" or a number of days such as "90")


Marks a member as having responded to a message you have sent (for message tracking). You can pass a comment describing the response using a field with the name "Comment"


Marks a member as having read a message you have sent (for message tracking). You can pass a subject describing the message they read using a field with the name "Comment"


No action is taken (the user is not added or changed in the mailing list)


Sending of Double Opt-Ins and Acknowledgements

Web Form messages will follow your standard settings with regard to delivery of Processing Acknowledgement and Double Opt-In messages.  You can override this functionality by adding one of the following to your web form:

Verbosity: Normal Default option (so it is assumed if the Verbosity field is not found).  Acknowledgements and Double Opt-Ins are sent as per your settings
Verbosity: NoOptIns Acknowledgements are sent (if enabled in Options).  Processing occurs without requiring Double Opt-In confirmation
Verbosity: NoAcks Double Opt-In messages are sent (if enabled in Options).  Processing Acknowledgement messages are not sent
Verbosity: Silent Processing Acknowledgement and Double Opt-In messages are not sent

Note: In this example the field separator is shown as a colon, however the separator you have specified for custom message processing is used, i.e. if you have specified "=" as the custom field separation character then the Verbosity field would appear as: Verbosity=Normal



Example Form 1: Subscribe Form with Full Address

Your web submission message looks like this:

Subject: Web form submission
Action: Subscribe
Email: jsmith@abc.com
Group: Group_1,Group_2
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Company: ABC
Address: 123 Some St.
City: Springfield
State: QD
Zip: 40014
Country: USA



In the Web Form Message Formatting dialog set up as follows:
(The space after the colon will be ignored)


Example Form 2: Simple Subscribe Form

Your web submission message looks like this:

Subject: Web form submission on 11/7/02 3:45
Full Name=John J Smith


In the Web Form Message Formatting dialog set up as follows:


Example Form 3: Form for Updating an Email Address

Subject: Web form submission
Action: UpdateEmail
Email: old@address.com
Full Name: new@address.com



Example Form 4: Form for Changing Group Membership

Subject: Web form submission




Example Form 5: Disabling Double-Opt-In and Acknowledgements

Subject: Web form submission
Action: Subscribe

Email: jsmith@abc.com
Group: Group_1,Group_2,Group_3
Verbosity: Silent



Example Form 6: Enabling Vacation Mode for 90 Days

Subject: Web form submission
Action: Vacation

Email: jsmith@abc.com
Full Name: 90



Example Form 6: Disabling Vacation Mode

Subject: Web form submission
Action: Vacation

Email: jsmith@abc.com
Full Name: False



Web Form Creation Wizard

MailList King includes a wizard to generate the base HTML for all standard mailing list tasks.

  The wizard makes the process much simpler, but you may be unsure what details to specify for the "Technical Details" step.


The FormMail CGI URL will differ for all web hosts, so you will need to confirm with your web host provider what to specify. It will be something like:


You will also need to specify some hidden fields to pass details such as the message subject and destination email address, e.g.


(%SUBJECT% and %EMAIL% are fields that MailList King will automatically replace with the "Send to Email" and "Subject of Email" values you specify).

If your web host provider does not provide a FormMail script you can sign up for a third party service.  For more details and other advise visit:

MailList King Web Form FAQ


See Also